12 Months of Mandarin
Estimates for achieving intermediate fluency in Mandarin Chinese range up to spending years and around 4000 total hours (2,200h
Neuro, Math, Mandarin.
Estimates for achieving intermediate fluency in Mandarin Chinese range up to spending years and around 4000 total hours (2,200h
I got pretty good in Mandarin within 12 months of rigorous part-time study. I'm not even close to
On my last gap year after high school, I ran a not-for-profit conference in San Francisco. What we planned on
I’ve got an unusual educational background. If you’re curious, here’s a quick rundown. High School I convinced
Estimates for achieving intermediate fluency in Mandarin Chinese range up to spending years and around 4000 total hours (2,200h
I got pretty good in Mandarin within 12 months of rigorous part-time study. I'm not even close to
Jetlag sucks. But jetlag isn't created equal. It's easy to stay up six hours later, but